Sen Lin

Sen Lin

Senior Engineer


Dr. Sen Lin is a prominent expert in the field of agricultural smart equipment with notable achievements across various aspects of his career, which includes both smart equipment research and leadership in scientific projects. His background and contributions can be detailed as follows:

Professional Experience: 2012: Joined the Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, as a Control Systems Engineer. 2016: Transferred to the Intelligent Equipment Technology Research Center of Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, focusing on smart equipment development. 2022: Appointed as an expert with the “Science and Technology Innovation China” Agricultural Information and Equipment Service Team.

Research Areas: Facility Horticulture Big Data Analysis: Optimizing horticultural management and production efficiency through data analysis. Facility Horticulture Robotics Systems: Developing robotic systems for facility horticulture to enhance automation and intelligence.

Research Achievements: Facility Horticulture Robot Chassis Development: Designed a dual-purpose chassis with specialized rail tracks and provided multi-sensor fusion navigation methods, creating a unified operational platform for robotic systems. Pneumatic Vibration Tomato Pollination Device: Proposed a high-pressure air simulation method for natural wind, significantly improving tomato pollination efficiency. Domestic Robot Operation System: Developed a robot system covering transportation, spraying, inspection, and pollination, achieving minimal human involvement in facility agriculture. Agricultural Equipment Development: Created over ten agricultural equipment products with independent intellectual property rights, with more than 500 units applied domestically and internationally, generating over 50 million yuan in direct economic benefits.

Personal Achievements: Research Projects: Led and participated in ten major national and provincial research projects, with three as the principal investigator. Publications: Authored or co-authored 17 research articles, eight of which are indexed by SCI. Academic Books: Contributed to two academic books. Patents: Secured 25 national patents, including 11 invention patents. Awards: Received one provincial-level or higher science and technology award. Graduate Training: Mentored five master’s students.

Competition Awards: 4th place in the Global Greenhouse Smart Planting Competition. 1st place in the Dodo Agricultural Science and Technology Competition. 1st place in the China Agricultural Robot Innovation Competition. Dr. Lin Sen’s accomplishments reflect his significant contributions to agricultural smart equipment, advancing technology and providing robust support for practical applications in the field.

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Computational Linguistics
  • Agricultural Robotics
  • PhD student in College of Information and Electrical Engineering, 2019

    Shenyang Agricultural University

  • MEng in Automation, 2012

    Chongqing University

  • BSc in Computer and Control Engineering, 2008

    YanTai University