Showcasing Innovation - Field Rover, LingXtend and the spraying robot at the 2024 World Robotics Conference

We are excited to announce that our lab is showcasing three of our latest robotic innovations — the mobile platform ‘Field Rover,’ the robotic arm ‘LingXtend,’ and the spraying robot — at the 2024 World Robotics Conference. These agricultural robots have garnered significant attention from visitors across the globe, demonstrating the technology and forward-thinking design that our lab is proud to develop.

The ‘Field Rover’ and ‘LingXtend’ have not only captivated the conference attendees but have also been featured in numerous media outlets. Among the highlights, they were covered by Farmer’s Daily (in both print and app versions), China Agricultural Network, Beijing Daily App, Beijing Time, Beijing News, Haidian Newspaper, and the Beijing Haidian WeChat official account, among others. This widespread media coverage is a testament to the impact our work is having in the field of agricultural robotics.

In addition to the exhibition, Dr. Ya Xiong was invited to speak at the conference. His presentation focused on his work in agricultural robotics, addressing current challenges and sharing his insights on the future evolution of this rapidly advancing field. Dr. Xiong’s talk provided valuable perspectives on how agricultural robots are shaping the future of farming, emphasizing the importance of practical solutions and innovation in addressing the needs of modern agriculture.

Ya Xiong
Ya Xiong
Research Professor

My research interests include agricultural robotics, manipulator design, computer vision and path planning.